Saturday 21 February 2009

David Noonan/Spartacus Chetwynd/Lindsay Seers/Kibbo Kift

Ceremonies, rituals, performance, folk culture, costumes, masks, all feature heavily in David Noonan's large scale images which seem to evoke notions of transcendance, fantasy, role play and memory. His massive pieces in the altermodern exhibition are rightly described as ambiguous "suggesting a playful act, a protest or perhaps something more unsettling". See more of his work here or go see them for yourselves at AlterModern.

Spartacus Chetwynd creates carnivalesque live spectacles, reminiscent of medieval raggle taggle performing troupes, modern day mummers. Flamboyance, grotesques, bawdiness, anarchy, but all in the quest for what she refers to as 'an untainted existence', a moment at which 'Eden becomes a state of mind'. Above are some of her costumes from performances – a lizard and a mole, and a film of dancing buildings! She once created 'An evening with Jabba the Hut'! Lounge in the Jabba-esque opulent giant cushions at Altermodern and watch the multi-screen mayhem.

Lindsay Seers, whose work involved her being a human camera. An amazing story, the background of which is retold in a haunting film at Altermodern. Here she is in the next stages of her work, now as a projector.

Also learn about the Kibbo Kift in Olivia Plender's informational 'museum' piece for Altermodern, full of almost pastoral longing for a 'pre-industrial golden age', a longing that she shares with the Kibbo Kift movement. The film above is not hers but gives you some idea of Kibbo Kift ideals, which they represented and reinforced in their rituals and artefacts. Olivia Plender also creates comic books. See one called The Masterpiece here. Funnily enough I went on Laura Oldfield Ford's (Savage Messiah) walk today and before turning up into the Stratford Olympic Village monstrosity being built, I saw Kibbo Kift written in marker pen on a bollard on the gateway of the Greenway walkers path.

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